thoughts on showing up to all that is

Posts tagged ‘doing good’

Being Difference-Makers

Three million plus difference makers by 2020.  That is the goal stated around the focus area of developing principled leaders.  I am not sure how they are defining a difference maker and there is probably more to this goal than I am aware of, but why 3 million plus?  Shouldn’t every United Methodist, and indeed every Christian be a difference maker?  But even more, what is the difference we are called to make?

So here is something I am chewing on.  Over lunch I was in conversation with my Director of Connectional Ministries counterpart in Oregon who is a native resident of Portland.  I was asking him about the demographic makeup of the city.  My stats may be off, but he said something like that 47% of the city of Portand is under the age of 50.  This is a very young city!  And he said it is a city full of people who are civically engaged, concerned about the environment, and are activists in a variety of causes.  It is a city full of difference makers.  It is also an physically active and social city, so he said that much of the meaning and social needs of its residents are being met, and therefore the question they wrestle with is what does the church uniquely add that will reach and engage the citizens of this city?

The millennial generation was raised in an ethic of community service.  Doing good is a part of how they have been educated and shaped.  I meet them all the time in my engagement at Hamline University.  They are bright, passionate young adults who are giving themselves to working for a better world.  I often say they are United Methodists in practice and action even if they don’t name themselves as such!  These actively engaged  millenials will have nothing to do a with a church that is not seriously involved in making a difference….that is only concerned with its own survival.  But here is the conundrum: they don’t need the church to make a difference.  So if our invitation is: want to make a difference, come be a part of us….the likely response will be, thanks…keep up the good work, but I am already making a difference!

So again, what is the unique difference we are called to make?  I come back to Jesus words: I am the way, the truth and the life.  I do meet people all the time who are seeking to find a way, who are looking for life, and want to know what is really true and real.  Is the difference we are called to make something about helping people to live a whole life, and to be a part of community that helps them live that and be that for the world?   So what do you think?  I am really curious about this because while I love that I am part of a church that is doing good in the world, I know I personally I seek out a church for so much more than being able to make a difference.  I am trying to live a different life: full of gratitude and generosity, being my best at all times, and find a way of life that is strong enough, and true enough and deep enough, to sustain me throughout all the vissitudes of life.  I want to be a part of a community that is seeking to make that kind of difference in my life, and yes, empowering and equipping me to make that kind of difference in the lives of others.  If that is the kind of difference-maker we are talking about, I am in.  But then I have been in, having been a part of the church all of my life.  Will it speak to the next generation?  To the bright, passionate, gifted young adults of places like Portland and Minneapolis who are already difference makers.   And if not, what will?